I am Me, Aunty Sharron Part 2

April 5, 2024 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

In Part 2 of our interview with Aunty Sharron, we talk exclusively about her song ‘I am me’.

This song, commissioned by ‘Human Rights Queensland’ is an ode, nod or musical interpretation of the UN’s rights of the child. A document outlining the respect, treatment and recognition all children deserve and should be strived for.

Her song is just as, if not more, powerful than the document and a real triumph and master class in speaking on behalf of thechild.

So grab a cuppa and sit and sip it all in as we chat with Aunty Sharron mirii Bell Part 2

Aunty Sharron’s ode to her mother, her land, and her song

0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today on Part 1 Benny asking people questions we speak with Aunty Sharron mirii Bell.

Aunty Sharron talks about her life as an educator, her work imbedding First Nations perspectives into the education system and of course, her music.

Aunty Sharron is not an artist who does things by halves and her work is testament to the consideration, the commitment and the overall heart that goes into making every song, every decision and every sound.

Her music is as poignant as it is joyful and we get to hear what makes it all tick.

The Emerald Isle through childhood eyes.

March 15, 2024 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Mick McHugh is as about as passionate a musician can get when it comes his offering for children.

For you see, this album, an album of traditional Irish folk songs for kids, is not an attempt to just simply share the songs and his culture, but rather an attempt to let you in on his childhood. A chance for him to take you by the hand and guide you through the sentimentality and nostalgia he feels as he expresses the beauty of childhood as experienced by him.

It is an album free of any unnecessary sentimentality but rather filled with the sentimental feelings all our memories bring. But in this instance, he shares them with the people in our world building their own sentimental memories.

A true treasure for the ears, and a glorious throwback to the lives of those on the Emerald Isle, it is a force of kindness, reflection and true passionate flag waving.

Smitten by the Fleabite

March 13, 2024 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Robin Nathan (aka Fleabite) is one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most decorated musicians for children. However as she so freely admits, her music really was for herself, it just so happened to resonate with the minds of children and hence the start of a whole new career.

Her music is so eclectic, genuine, and unique, that all the accolades seemed only a matter of time.

In todays podcast we try to dissect her musical brain and bask in its curiosity, its craziness and its genuine display of originality.

the wonderfully calculated chaos of Andrew and Polly

February 15, 2024 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Podcasts

Meet Andrew and Polly. A musical Duo whose music is there to excite, challenge, expand, and introduce children to the complexities of musical arrangement while simultaneously presenting issues, problems and sheer joy in a language that places the understanding right into the laps of the children that are listening.

Its not easy to do but they make it look all to casual and fun, which is exactly what brings the children in. Their desire to bring in friends to help play their music is just another testament to their ability to have everyone feel involved and included and it is of no wonder they have been nominated for a Grammy to their most recent work.

So grab a cuppa sit back. Welcome to the brains of Andrew and Polly

The unmistakable tone of fun.

February 12, 2024 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today we talk to Lisa Mark and Charlie of the Funtones.

The Funtones are an act that epitomise their name as they strive to  provide a place for children to simply do that… Have fun.

A concept easily understood but sometimes harder to achieve, they are a band who know what it means to learn through play and exactly what that playfulness means.

Waveney, a safe space for children

January 17, 2024 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Podcasts

Today my guest might appear relatively new to the children’s music scene, however truth be told, once I began my research I soon found that actually, her love for performing for children has indeed almost expanded an entire decade.

Waveney and her colleague Alinta have created one of the most stunning albums for children in the past year and today we get to unpack its complexities and simplicities.

I give you Waveney Yasso.

Susie Tallman, Nestled between the new and the old

November 7, 2023 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

As Children’s performers. We often put our hearts and souls into the notion of being child inclusive. Its something we all strive for, but then occasionally, someone comes along which reminds us of what it actually really means. What it means to put children front and centre of what you do. This does not measn Lyrically or musically but physically, realising that the music you create needs to have children literally reflected back at them.

Todays guest acknowledged this right form the start of her career and has held true to this notion every since. The work slips and slides between standards, new work, listening moments and pure joy as she truly leans in on the notion, to be WITH the children, not in front.

I give you Susie Tallman

Tiptoeing with the mighty

November 2, 2023 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today On Benny Asking People Questions we speak to Meg, Lee and Vee of TIPTOE Giants. Specifically we talk about their new album, Small But Mighty, an album that exudes its very tital with the delicate touch enormity seen through gentleness.

It is an album that captures the heart from the immediate listen with pop like clarity, incomparable musicianship and an array of guests that would make the most of us blush.

I give you Meg, Lee and Vee. I hope you enjoy.

The Seriousness of Alex and Jack.

October 30, 2023 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today’s guest subtly hides her enormity behind a small ukulele. Singing gently behind wistful and wafting melodies and sharing her understanding with children in the hope that they will be able to find a more inclusive path in their lives. However, this subtleness is merely a outward facade for the person herself is a powerhouse of message, conviction, achievement, direction and a deep deep understanding of who she is and where she is headed.

I give you Alexander Rose Mongano, Children’s entertainer, Celiac advocate, and Jack the Silly yak.