Trail blazing with the Okee Dokee Brothers

May 15, 2017 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Parent Stuff, Podcasts

There are few children’s acts as dedicated to the art of musical enlightenment when it comes to our children than the Okee Dokee Brothers.

Their unique approach in bringing honest, educated genres to our children is unparalleled and has earned them several Grammy Noninations including one win for their album Can You Canoe.

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A round of applause for the Paws. Chatting with Pevan and Sarah.

April 26, 2017 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Parent Stuff, Podcasts

Pevan and Sarah are one of Australia’s hardest working children acts.

In this interview Benny talks to Sarah Kechayas, about their beginnings on the classroom floor, taking it to the stage, and just how many ice packs are needed to play a giant Tiger.  Read more…

Battle bird have landed…and they’ve brought a robot with them.

March 24, 2017 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Parent Stuff, Podcasts

From DJ Robots to synths and Helmets, its fare to say, battle bird are bringing something new to the children music scene.

In this interview I speak with Luke Furgeson, (The older one) about their sound, what its like to collaborate with his son Elliott, and what is Space chicken exactly

Hey Hey it’s Nay Nay

March 16, 2017 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Parent Stuff, Podcasts

From her days with the wiggles and host of Nickelodians ‘Sarvo’ through to the voice of the beloved Hootabelle, Nay Nay is no stranger to the world of children’s entertainment and performance, Finally, however, she is about to step out on her own heading up her very own show, ‘tinkertime’.

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From Little to Teeny Tiny – The Stevies Get bigger Every Day

January 13, 2017 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Parent Stuff, Podcasts


Teeny Tiny Stevies are one of Australia’s most endearing childrens act. Their Debut album, ‘Useful Songs For Little People’, is a collection of, um…Useful songs for little people? and has marked them amongst some of Australias best writers for children. In this interview they speak at length about their sound, their topics, going to the toilet, and winning best gift ever on ‘The Project’

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Whats the deal with day care?

October 23, 2016 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Parent Stuff, Podcasts, Uncategorised

‘Whats The Deal With Day Care’

In this series I speak with teachers and Centre directors, in an attempt to demystify and to enlighten new parents to the wonderfully confusing world of Day Care. From Drop offs to Programs, the NQS (whatever that is) and ratios, I do my best to arm new parents with some facts and figures as they make the transition from caring for their child, to allowing someone else.

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The musical world at your children’s door – Gary and Carol Crees

August 26, 2016 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Parent Stuff, Podcasts

Gary and Carol Crees – Adventures in music

Gary and Carol Crees are the duo behind Sydney based Adventures in Music. Together, for almost three decades, they have  immersed themselves in your child’s daycare life providing rich multicultural content for both the children and staff alike. Read more…

The Man in The Hat comes back (Chat along with Sam Part 2)

May 27, 2016 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Parent Stuff, Podcasts


Sam Moran is one of Australia’s most endearing and enduring children’s performers, rising up from the ashes of an apparent end to forge a new beginning with a new image, a new show, new fans and now an Aria award to boot.

In Part two of our interview, Sam talks song-writing techniques, Why themes are hard, and that his drummer is not a robot.

Alltogether now: Sing Along With Benny

May 22, 2016 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Words and Music

Lyrics and Chords


For those of you who fancy a bit of a sing along, I’ve put down the lyrics here on a collection of downloadable files.

For those of you who want to rock out and impress the kids with your sweet musical moves, each lyric sheet contains the chords also. Brilliant!!!

And remember, if you find yourself drifting to the side of the musically inept, check out my guitar 101 for the basics

Hope you enjoy and good luck


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The Man in the Hat comes back (Chat along with Sam Part 1)

May 20, 2016 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: BENNY'S Favourites, Parent Stuff, Podcasts


Sam Moran is one of Australia’s most endearing and enduring children’s performers, rising up from the ashes of an apparent end to forge a new beginning with a new image, a new show, new fans and now an Aria award to boot.

In Part 1 of this interview he talks openly about the trappings of being a singing and dance major in 80’s Wagga Wagga, why wrapping presents is the greatest song ever and  why his daughter probably will earn more from his songs than he will.

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