Advocating with Chris, waving the flag for kiwi kids – Part 1

0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today on Benny Asking People Questions we speak with New Zealand’s one and only Chris Lam Sam.

Not only do we get the opportunity delve deeply into his music and the success of The Funky Monkeys, but we also explore just what makes him so passionate an advocate for the wellbeing and representation of children.

Insights and revelations with The Relative Minors

0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

On todays episode of Benny Asking People Questions, I speak with Kirsten and Matt, Wife and Husband team behind Canadas Rock Childrens act The Relative Minors.

We discuss the DIY attitude transition of garage band to kids band, and why we won’t need to wait 10 years for the second albums.

Join the Club with Juanita Ryder

December 11, 2020 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today on Benny Asking People Questions we speak with Juanita Ryder, creator and artistic director of Cheeky Monkey Club.

Juanita is desperately passionate about what she does and today she comfortably discusses the learning journey she has been on in to developing a musical program that not only allows children to be front and centre of its creation and direction, but also showcases her unique ability to engage and react to the agency of the children. A true gift to the genre I give you Juanita.

Stepping out from behind the jungle with Emily Who

October 16, 2020 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today on Benny asking People Questions we chat to Emily Mcknight Aka Emily Who, all about her not so humble beginnings next to the royalty of Jay Lagaia and Jays Jungle.

Emily talks about the lessons learnt, the experienced gained and exactly what goes into creating such a deeply intimate delivery that seems so rare these days.

Talking tales with Pevan and Sarah

October 8, 2020 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

On todays episode of ‘Benny Asking People Questions’ we speak with Sarah and Manny Kechayas of Pevan and Sarah.

It has been a long road for Manny and Sarah and one that has seen them chop and change direction more than several times. However within this apparent waxing and waning, there is the undeniable confidence and belief in what they do and how they want to do it.

They are truly pioneers in The Australian school entertainment space and today we find out why.

Running Free with Animal Farm

0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

Today on Benny asking People Questions I speak with David Ladon, from  Animal Farm. A Colorado based Childrens act with a deep sensibility for honesty fun and message of acceptance. 

David, speaks openly about his writing relationship with Seth Adams, and how a simple idea snowballed into a decade long tenure with no signs of slowing down.

Mighty Rhythms with Itty Bitty Beats

September 9, 2020 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

The children’s music industry is an industry that wraps itself around goodness and sharing. It is a joy to be a part of and often the caring nature can catch you off guard. However todays guest and her band seem to take this to a whole new level.

Their musical persuits seem to serve no purpose other than what they can bring out in others, Or support in others. Their music and musical approach is both complex, desperately heartfelt, all wrapped around a seemingly effortless nature.

Itty Bitty Beats are a true gift of the New Zealand Childrens music scene and in todays episode we get to sit down with Lucy Hiku to fill us in on this truly unique duo.

Exploring The Mik Mak Tactics

August 28, 2020 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Podcasts

The Mik Maks are one of Australia’s hardest working kids acts. A band that against a constantly shifting industry has managed to design and redesign themselves to fit with not only their audiences changing wants but also within their clear commitment to family and the values of of togetherness.

In this Interview I get to discuss their history, their struggles and wins as we dissect the career of one of Australia’s most endearing acts.

A Little Wild in the Big Universe

August 20, 2020 0 Comments AUTHOR: Benny CATEGORIES: Parent Stuff, Podcasts

There is a strong history of Musicians who become parents and then turn their focus to children’s music. Which inevitably brings a fresh perspective to the genre. Artists who use what they know about music to entertain….. not what they know about children. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes it creates such a unique experience that it takes several listens as an adult to really understand and articulate its complexities .

Little Wild Music is one such act.

Claudia Robin Gunn, in her latest album, Little Wild Universe, has taken what she knows about her world or importantly what she Doesn’t know about her world and packaged it in a musical journey the likes of I’ve rearly heard. A musical place for children to simply wonder, drift, and dream a place to question rather than to answer.